4 Pillars of Weight Gain: The Root Causes

Frustrated with your weight loss progress (or lack thereof)? You’re certainly not alone. Today, I’m sharing the 4 root causes of weight gain that we all experience, plus some tips to help you overcome each of them.

Why Obesity Isn’t a Choice: The Causes

Society has come a long way when it comes to body positivity, but there’s still a huge amount of stigma around being overweight, and even more so around being obese. Many people believe that obesity is a choice - it’s not.

Why GLP-1s Work for Weight Loss

Weight loss is more than just diet and exercise - it’s not entirely a battle of calories in, versus calories out. Our bodies often don’t want us to lose weight beyond a certain point, and so will drive our hormones out of wack to keep us feeling hungry. So, what can we do to overcome these hormones? 


5 Healthy Foods That Aren’t Always Good For You
We often feel proud of ourselves for making healthy food choices, and we should! But, if you’re eating well and not seeing the weight loss you should, your healthy choices may not be as good for you as they seem. 
The Connection Between Menopause, Metabolism, & Weight
Reaching menopause comes with mixed emotions - most women are glad to be free of their monthly cycle but uncomfortable with the obvious sign of aging. Regardless, the transition into menopause isn’t often plain sailing and can come with unwelcome weight gain. 
Why Obesity Isn’t a Choice: The Causes
Society has come a long way when it comes to body positivity, but there’s still a huge amount of stigma around being overweight, and even more so around being obese. Many people believe that obesity is a choice - it’s not. 
5 Foods That Are Easy on Sensitive Stomachs
Do you have a sensitive stomach? If so, going out to eat can be an anxiety-inducing affair, and even eating at home can be unenjoyable. If you have a sensitive stomach, here are 5 foods you can add to your diet to ease discomfort.
Common Causes of Gut Sensitivities
Do you suffer from gastrointestinal problems regularly? If you often feel bloated, have stomach ache, or have difficulty going to the bathroom, you may have a sensitivity you’re ignoring. Fortunately, most of these issues are easy to correct once you know what the cause is. 
Crispy Asparagus
This flavorful dish will work equally as well with spargel (the white German asparagus that’s in season in the spring) but will need to cook longer since those spears are thicker and woodier.
How GLP-1s Affect Your Insulin to Help You Lose Weight
Have you heard of GLP-1s? This medication has helped treat diabetes and is now being used as an effective weight loss medication. So, how does it work? Read on here to find out how GLP-1s affect your insulin levels to help you lose weight.
Can Exercise Lead to Weight Gain? 7 Ways it Can
Exercise can significantly aid in your ability to lose weight and will often dramatically improve your overall health, but it can sometimes hinder your weight loss progress. Read on here to find out how.
Banana Protein Pancakes
Here’s a quick and easy, high-protein, low-carb savory dish sure to satisfy even the most discerning sweet tooth or satisfy when carb cravings reach their peak.
Momon’s Chicken
Dr. Nancy’s mother Parvaneh is a brilliant cook famous for her incredible chicken dishes including this one. Chicken and dried fruit combine deliciously with the spices of saffron, turmeric and black pepper in this simple and elegant dish.
Yoram’s Baked Halibut
Dr. Nancy’s husband Yoram loves this one-pan dish as much for its ease of preparation as for its rich, moist, deliciousness and Mediterranean inspired flavors.  
How Your Hormones May Be Sabotaging Your Weight Loss
When our weight loss journey stalls and we reach a plateau, we wonder whether that little square of dark chocolate we have after dinner is the culprit, or if we need to cut even more carbs from our diets. But what’s really going on may not actually be your fault. 