4 Pillars of Weight Gain: The Root Causes

Frustrated with your weight loss progress (or lack thereof)? You’re certainly not alone. Today, I’m sharing the 4 root causes of weight gain that we all experience, plus some tips to help you overcome each of them.

Why Obesity Isn’t a Choice: The Causes

Society has come a long way when it comes to body positivity, but there’s still a huge amount of stigma around being overweight, and even more so around being obese. Many people believe that obesity is a choice - it’s not.

Why GLP-1s Work for Weight Loss

Weight loss is more than just diet and exercise - it’s not entirely a battle of calories in, versus calories out. Our bodies often don’t want us to lose weight beyond a certain point, and so will drive our hormones out of wack to keep us feeling hungry. So, what can we do to overcome these hormones? 


5 Things You Need to Know Are Affecting Your Gut Health
We often think that what we eat is the only thing that impacts our gut health, but this just isn’t the case! If you’ve been feeling bloated recently, it may not just be because you have suddenly developed a food intolerance you didn’t have a month ago. So, what gives? 
How to Hack Your Immune System for Strong Defenses this Flu Season
No one likes getting sick, but we rarely think about how to keep viruses and bacteria at bay until we have an infection. The pandemic has made us all that much more aware of our vulnerabilities, so this winter, why not hack your immune system so you don’t have to endure an unpleasant cold? 
How to Make Nutrition Work For You
Fear no more. Once you really understand what food actually is and how it functions, you can put it to work for you to meet your goals. When you use food correctly, you appreciate it as an ally or something that allows you to keep going, not something that you're fighting against.
The Fundamentals of Nutrition
When it comes to developing an eating approach for your best health, one size does definitely not fit all. Your uniqueness is a critical part of the nutrition equation. If you're new to the world of nutrition, start here.  