4 Pillars of Weight Gain: The Root Causes

Frustrated with your weight loss progress (or lack thereof)? You’re certainly not alone. Today, I’m sharing the 4 root causes of weight gain that we all experience, plus some tips to help you overcome each of them.

Why Obesity Isn’t a Choice: The Causes

Society has come a long way when it comes to body positivity, but there’s still a huge amount of stigma around being overweight, and even more so around being obese. Many people believe that obesity is a choice - it’s not.

Why GLP-1s Work for Weight Loss

Weight loss is more than just diet and exercise - it’s not entirely a battle of calories in, versus calories out. Our bodies often don’t want us to lose weight beyond a certain point, and so will drive our hormones out of wack to keep us feeling hungry. So, what can we do to overcome these hormones? 


What Happens to Your Metabolism After You Lose Weight?
If you’ve been on a weight loss plan, you may have noticed that your body adjusts and seems to be able to use less energy to fuel it than it did when you were larger. You let yourself eat freely for a day, and find you’ve put on a few pounds. Has your metabolism really slowed down, or is it all in the mind? 
9 Surprising Reasons You’re Hungry All The Time
Most people can go at least 3 hours after a meal or snack without feeling hungry – some even much longer. However, for some people, going even half an hour without feeling compelled to eat or a rumble in their stomach is difficult! So, why is this? 
Dietary Causes of Low Libido
Getting lost in a moment of passion is one of life’s greatest pleasures, but all too often we get caught up in our heads and can’t fully be present in the moment. If you can relate to this, it might be time to take a look at your diet.
6 Ways to Get Back on Track with Your Diet After the Holidays
The holidays are a time for relaxing, spending time with friends and family, and enjoying good food. Of course, once January rolls around getting back to your pre-holiday healthy eating routine can seem like a struggle! 
7 Ways to Protect Your Immunity When Going Back to Work
Whether you’re thinking about going back to work for the first time after the pandemic or simply after a break for the holiday season, keeping your immune system strong will be essential to ward off the viruses and bacteria you may come into contact with when you return to work. 
7 Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels Naturally
When you think about needing an energy boost, you probably think about brewing another cup of coffee or grabbing an energy drink from the fridge. While they’ll both give you a pep in your step for a while, you’ll come crashing down soon after. 
What is Tryptophan? Why You Should Love This Amino Acid
If you’ve heard about tryptophan, it’s likely because it is so essential for helping you build strong, healthy muscles. But did you know this little-known amino acid can also help you feel better, physically and mentally? 
Why Am I Always Hungry? 7 Things Increasing Your Appetite
Are you always hungry or thinking about your next meal or snack? If so, and you find yourself grazing on food throughout the day, it may not be entirely natural. In fact, what you eat or your habits may be the reason why your mind is always wandering to the pantry – read on here if you’re making any of these 7 mistakes.
Dangers of Sleep Deprivation: Are You Getting Too Little Sleep?
When you think of the term “sleep deprivation,” you likely think of thrillers and
wartime films or blurry-eyed new parents. But did you know that sleep deprivation is something that can affect us all? It’s true – read our latest article to find out how it may be affecting you.
7 Ways to Improve Sleep Quality
If you fantasize about those nights when you got plenty of deep, restful sleep, but struggle on a daily basis, you’re not alone. Most of us struggle to get routine good quality sleep and just take it in stride, but what if you could have more of those nights where you wake up with plenty of energy?
9 Signs of Low Thyroid Function
If you know someone who has a thyroid problem, they likely gained weight quickly despite not changing their diet. They may have also had to go through a lot of testing to get it diagnosed, as the symptoms can often be subtle or easily mistaken for another problem. But what exactly is the thyroid, and how can we tell if our own isn’t working as well as it should be?
How to Make Nutrition Work For You
Fear no more. Once you really understand what food actually is and how it functions, you can put it to work for you to meet your goals. When you use food correctly, you appreciate it as an ally or something that allows you to keep going, not something that you're fighting against.