4 Pillars of Weight Gain: The Root Causes

Frustrated with your weight loss progress (or lack thereof)? You’re certainly not alone. Today, I’m sharing the 4 root causes of weight gain that we all experience, plus some tips to help you overcome each of them.

Why Obesity Isn’t a Choice: The Causes

Society has come a long way when it comes to body positivity, but there’s still a huge amount of stigma around being overweight, and even more so around being obese. Many people believe that obesity is a choice - it’s not.

Why GLP-1s Work for Weight Loss

Weight loss is more than just diet and exercise - it’s not entirely a battle of calories in, versus calories out. Our bodies often don’t want us to lose weight beyond a certain point, and so will drive our hormones out of wack to keep us feeling hungry. So, what can we do to overcome these hormones? 


Why GLP-1s Work for Weight Loss – A Guide to GLP-1 Medication
Weight loss is more than just diet and exercise - it’s not entirely a battle of calories in, versus calories out. Our bodies often don’t want us to lose weight beyond a certain point, and so will drive our hormones out of wack to keep us feeling hungry. So, what can we do to overcome these hormones? 
Does Alcohol Make You Gain Weight?
When we go on a diet, we often hyperfocus on what we’re eating and what we’re not. We rarely pay as much attention to what we drink. If you want to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, you need to know what effect alcoholic beverages have on your body. 
4 Pillars of Weight Gain: The Root Causes
Frustrated with your weight loss progress (or lack thereof)? You’re certainly not alone. Today, I’m sharing the 4 root causes of weight gain that we all experience, plus some tips to help you overcome each of them.
6 Foods Proven to Help Ease Symptoms of Anxiety
So, what can you do to reduce these feelings of anxiety and better cope with life’s stresses? One big area to look at is your food. Read on here to find out about the 6 foods proven to help ease anxiety.
The Connection Between Autoimmune Disease & A Bad Diet
Could autoimmune diseases be linked to the food you eat? Research now indicates that autoimmune diseases may not be purely down to genetics, and you may have more control over their development and your symptoms than you think. 
PCOS & Nutrition: How Nutrition Can Alleviate Your Symptoms
PCOS affects 6-12% of American females, though is often misdiagnosed or hidden by the use of birth control. If you have PCOS or suspect you may have it, read on here to learn about the simple dietary changes you can make to get back on the right track to good health.
9 Surprising Reasons You’re Hungry All The Time
Most people can go at least 3 hours after a meal or snack without feeling hungry – some even much longer. However, for some people, going even half an hour without feeling compelled to eat or a rumble in their stomach is difficult! So, why is this? 
Gluten-Free and Vegan Foods: Are They Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Efforts?
More gluten-free and vegan packaged foods are finding their way onto supermarket shelves than ever before, and while it’s great that people following any diet can find food to meet their needs, many people misunderstand what these foods actually mean for their own bodies.
How Your Diet Could Be Affecting Your Fertility
15% of couples in the US are affected by infertility issues, and while there can be a wide range of reasons for this, diet has a much bigger part to play than you may think. 
Dietary Causes of Low Libido
Getting lost in a moment of passion is one of life’s greatest pleasures, but all too often we get caught up in our heads and can’t fully be present in the moment. If you can relate to this, it might be time to take a look at your diet.
Top 5 Foods That Boost Your Libido
Let's face it, it is normal to get lost in the moment. It can be difficult to be in "the mood". If you are struggling to you’re struggling to make the most of the moment and find it hard to find the desire you might want to try these foods!
5 Natural Ways to Control Appetite & Kick Your Cravings
Feel hungry all the time? Looking for snacks all the time? You’re not alone. One of the hardest aspects of weight loss is making sure you feel full and satisfied on the foods you’re eating. The right foods can decrease your cravings too! 